Redeemer Lutheran Church
Redeemer Lutheran Church

Youth Ministry 

Youth Ministry creates opportunities for fellowship and service involving young people.  The goal of Youth ministry is to spark and enliven an active faith among the young people in the congregation and in the community.


Some Youth activities that we have done at Redeemer recently:


-Middle School/High School Summer Church Overnight--Spend an evening at the church playing fun games, worshiping in our outdoor chapel, and experiencing a taste of Christian community.


-Youth Sunday--A special worship service where just about everything is done by the youth of the church.


-Middle School/High School Lock-In--Spend the night at church, building community, playing games, and worshiping together.


-Easter Egg Hunt--Held on the Saturday before Easter, this is an opportunity to have some fun and learn about the true meaning of Easter.


-Family Hayride and Bonfire--Fun and games out at a Redeemer member's farm, with, of course, a hayride and a bonfire.

Youth Ministry Opportunities beyond the Congregation

Redeemer also encourages Youth to attend and be involved with our Lutheran Outdoor Ministries through supporting their attendance at summer camp. 

Redeemer Lutheran Church

140 E 32nd St

Jasper, IN 47546


Phone: 812-634-1123



Pastor: Rev. Adam Ruschau

Secretary: Kristine Harris

Worship Times

Saturdays  5:00pm

Sundays   10:00am


(Holy Communion is typically celebrated at all weekend worship services)

Sunday School  Times

Adult--8:45am Sundays

(year round)

Children's--9:00am Sundays




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