Redeemer Lutheran Church
Redeemer Lutheran Church


Worship is a central part of our response to who God is and what God has done for us.  Worship is our way of giving thanks and praise to the God who creates, redeems, and sustains us.   It is a natural outgrowth of thanksgiving and awe.  Often worship has the added benefit of giving an individual Christian spiritual comfort and encouragement for the days and weeks to come, but this is not the purpose of Christian worship.  Worship is not about what a Christian gets out of it, but what a Christian puts into it.  It is a recognition that God is God and serves to remind us of both our duty as people of God and the good news of what God has done for us in spite of our sin.  

At Redeemer, we worship in what might be called a "traditional" style.  Using litugries that reflect the long traditions of the church we worship God with hymns, scripture, prayer, Holy Communion, and more.  Our liturgy (pattern of worship) helps to unite us with other Christians around the world and through time as we bring before God our thanks, praise, and petitions.  In all we do we seek to make our worship worshipful and authentic, bringing the promises of God alive in our worship.


Redeemer has a regular Saturday Evening worship service at 5:00pm and a  Sunday morning worship service at 10:00am.  The sacrament of Holy Communion is typically celebrated at all our weekend worship services.


We also have special worship services throughout the year to commemorate important holy days and special seasons.  We have a Christmas Eve worship service on December 24th, During Holy Week we have special services for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday (including an Easter Sunrise service), and we also gather on Wednesday evenings during the season of Lent for a community meal and worship service.

We Invite you to Join Us For Worship

Saturdays at 5:00pm and Sundays at 10:00am

Communion Practice

Beliving that Christ is truly present in, with, and under the bread and wine of Holy Communion, we invite all baptized Christians to share with us in this sacrament.


If you do not wish to recieve the sacrament, you are still invited to come forward to receive a blessing.  (You may cross your arms over your chest to indicate this.)

Redeemer Lutheran Church

140 E 32nd St

Jasper, IN 47546


Phone: 812-634-1123



Pastor: Rev. Adam Ruschau

Secretary: Kristine Harris

Worship Times

Saturdays  5:00pm

Sundays   10:00am


(Holy Communion is typically celebrated at all weekend worship services)

Sunday School  Times

Adult--8:45am Sundays

(year round)

Children's--9:00am Sundays




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