Redeemer Lutheran Church
Redeemer Lutheran Church

Other Ministries

Some ministries of the Church don't fall into easy categories.  Yet these ministries are also vital to the function and mission of our congregation.

Property Committee--This group takes care of maintaining the building and grounds that the congregation owns so that the rest of our ministries may have a good, healthy, well-maintained space from which to base our ministry.


Church Council--The Church council handles the administration of the congregation.  These elected, dedicated individuals work to futher the the mission of all our ministries at Redeemer.  The 2015 Church Council includes:  Larry Freyberger (Council President and Financial Liason), Milton Mauntel (Council Vice President), Nancy Baer (Secretary), Betty Allen,  Lavalla Breitwieser, Janice Schnarr, Marilyn Dearing, and Joyce Uppencamp.


Mutual Ministry Team--This team works closely with the pastor to take a "bird's eye view," so to speak, of the mission and ministry of the congregation and makes recommendations accordingly.


RCW--The Redeemer Church Women group meets regularly throughout the year for devotional study and the planning and implementation of various ministry projects including pecking items for Lutheran World Relief and raising money for ministries with an annual bazaar.






Redeemer Lutheran Church

140 E 32nd St

Jasper, IN 47546


Phone: 812-634-1123



Pastor: Rev. Adam Ruschau

Secretary: Kristine Harris

Worship Times

Saturdays  5:00pm

Sundays   10:00am


(Holy Communion is typically celebrated at all weekend worship services)

Sunday School  Times

Adult--8:45am Sundays

(year round)

Children's--9:00am Sundays




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