Redeemer Lutheran Church
Redeemer Lutheran Church

Christian Education

Regular Christian education is a vital part of every Christian’s faith development.  Our Christian faith calls out for education.  Without education, our ability to understand and explain what we believe and why fades into obscurity as does our ability to faithfully proclaim the good news of Christ.  When we learn about our faith, we gain a better understanding of why we do what we do, our curiosity is enlivened, and our faith becomes a more active and central part of our lives.  Education is God’s gift to our faith.  It is what enables our faith to thrive and develop in a world of skepticism and doubt.

Join Us For These Christian Education Opportunities

Youth Sunday School (ages 3-18)--9:00am Sundays (Weekly)
Held every Sunday during the School year with several exceptions, Youth Sunday school offers opportunitiesfor children of all ages to grow and develop in their faith and knowledge of God.
Adult Sunday School (ages 18 and up)--8:45amSundays (Weekly)
The Adult Sunday school covers topics ranging from the Bible, to Church History, to theology, and more.  This is great way for adults to continue in their faith development and more fully appreciate their Christian faith.
Confirmation (7th, 8th, and sometimes 9th grades)—6:30pm Wednesdays (Weekly)
Confirmation is a two-year program of study for youth in preparation for a public affirmation of their baptism.  Confirmation classes review some of basics of the Christian faith as well as the contents of Martin Luther’s Small Catechism as they prepare to personally affirm the faith into which their parents had them baptized.  Classes go from September through May both years with other activities in addition.  If you are interested in having your child attend Confirmation classes at Redeemer, please contact the pastor.
Catechesis or New Member Instruction (any age)—Taught as needed and requested
Catechesis is the name given to the period of instruction prior to baptism.  For those people coming to the Christian faith from another religious tradition or no religious tradition, this course of instruction teaches the basics of the Christian faith to persons interested in becoming Christians.  For those people who are already Christians, wishing to join Redeemer as a church member, there is new member instruction instead.  Catechesis and New member instruction are taught by the pastor as needed or requested.
Other Educational Opportunities
Check out the weekly bulletin announcements, the monthly newsletter, and church calendar for other Christian education opportunities as they arise.

Redeemer Lutheran Church

140 E 32nd St

Jasper, IN 47546


Phone: 812-634-1123



Pastor: Rev. Adam Ruschau

Secretary: Kristine Harris

Worship Times

Saturdays  5:00pm

Sundays   10:00am


(Holy Communion is typically celebrated at all weekend worship services)

Sunday School  Times

Adult--8:45am Sundays

(year round)

Children's--9:00am Sundays




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