Redeemer Lutheran Church
Redeemer Lutheran Church


What is Stewardship?  What does stewardship mean to you?


(The following excerpt from Christian Personal Finance website may help)

Stewardship – What is it really?
Stewardship is something that I hear a lot of talk about, but not a lot of understanding. I truly believe that understanding what stewardship is and how it applies to our lives will change the way we make decisions each day. If we really understand what it means to be good stewards we will begin to not only see our lives change, but also the world around us. Like all other Biblical principles, tremendous benefit is gained by following them.


The definition of Christian stewardship
Lets look at the actual definition of stewardship.
1: the office, duties, and obligations of a steward
2: the conducting, supervising, or managing of something;
especially : the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care (stewardship of our natural resources)

So what are we actually stewards over?
Personally, I believe it applies to everything we have been given. Our time, our money, our God given gifts and abilities, our influence, it all comes from God. There are lots of stewardship verses that show us how we should act, but my favorite is the Parable of the Talents since it gives such a great illustration of what a good steward does. Put simply, the good stewards were the ones who took “risks” and action in order to multiply what they had been given. The bad steward was the one who out of fear decided not to take a risk and was called lazy as well.
This reminds me of another scripture…  Luke 12:48
…From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.

How should “stewardship living” affect our lives?
Our finances tend to be the key area that people refer to when speaking of stewardship. I think the main reason is that often money is one of the most difficult things for people to give.  At least for me that used to be the case. I was okay giving my energy, time, or sharing my abilities, but money was not something that I was interested in giving away. That is probably why God had to work on me for so long to help me lose my attitude!

One of the things that helped me was keeping focus on the fact that I came into the world with nothing and would leave with nothing. I began to look at all my possessions as merely being “on loan.” This has helped me begin to see myself more as a “steward” rather than a “possessor”.

Stewardship, in summary, is all about what we do with what we have been given.  And since God has given us everything from the clothes we wear, to the talents we have, to the moeny we make, to the earth we live on, everything we have is from God and belongs ultimately to God.  Therefore, it matters how we live, it matters how we spend our time and money, it matters how we treat the natural world around us.  We are to be good stewards, using our control over those resources we have been blessed with in ways God wants us to.


Our Stewarship ministry at Redeemer focuses on ways of encouraging members of our community to be good stewards of their time, money, talents, and creation.


For more information and resources on Stewardship visit the ELCA website

Redeemer Lutheran Church

140 E 32nd St

Jasper, IN 47546


Phone: 812-634-1123



Pastor: Rev. Adam Ruschau

Secretary: Kristine Harris

Worship Times

Saturdays  5:00pm

Sundays   10:00am


(Holy Communion is typically celebrated at all weekend worship services)

Sunday School  Times

Adult--8:45am Sundays

(year round)

Children's--9:00am Sundays




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